
What is the difference between short-term stay and long-term stay?

A short-term stay, also known as respite, is less than 2 weeks while a long-term stay is one month or more. 

Visiting Hours

What are the visiting hours for family and friends?

Balestier / Clementi / Marsiling / Simei:    
10am – 1pm and 4pm – 7pm daily (Last slot 7pm) 

9am – 11am and 2pm – 6pm daily (Last slot 6pm) 

Leaving the nursing home

How do we arrange to bring the resident out from Orange Valley?

The resident, family, guardian or guarantor can complete a Temporary Absence Release Form and submit to the Reception upon leaving the nursing home. 


How Much Does It Cost To Stay At An Orange Valley Nursing Home?

The monthly care charge is based on the level of care required by the resident. This monthly care charge is not inclusive of consumables. For a detailed breakdown of the cost, kindly contact our Care Coordinators, who will provide a personal financial counselling prior to admission.

Laundry service for residents is included in the monthly fee. 

Any family member, close relative or friend who has a local residential address can qualify as the guarantor.

Person has physical or mental disabilities as a result of medical conditions e.g. stroke, dementia and other chronic illnesses. 

Person is semi-ambulant, wheelchair or bed bound and requires daily nursing care and assistance in his daily living activities as assessed by healthcare professionals.

Person has exhausted all other possible care arrangements and is not able to be cared at home by community providers.

The individual must pass the means test for healthcare subsidies conducted by Agency for Integrated Care. For more information, please refer to

All Orange Valley nursing homes are approved for Government Portable Subsidies. 

All our residents are provided in-house consumables by Orange Valley Nursing Home at affordable rates. 

A monthly bill will be sent to the designated family member in the Admission Agreement Form. Payment can be made in person by cash or cheque, cheque via post, or GIRO. 


What is your ratio of care staff to residents?

We ensure an optimum ratio of care staff to residents at all times. It averages at one staff to six patients, depending on the nursing care level required by residents.

We are committed to our residents with our Always Resident-First policy. Besides meeting the minimum professional qualification set by the Ministry of Health, our nursing staff must meet strict in-house selection criteria. 

With the global use of English as a business language, all our staff are proficient in at least English. To communicate with residents, our staff of various ethnic backgrounds can overcome any likely communication problem, if any.


Do you have a rehabilitation centre?

All our branches are equipped with their own rehabilitation facility and each facility is complete with progressive equipment to manage the therapy requirements of our residents. Our team of rehabilitation managers and therapists are dedicated to achieve the best function possible for each resident. 


What are the kinds and frequency of meals served?

Every day, freshly cooked meals full of therapeutic value are served to meet the dietary needs of our residents. Besides three palatable meals of breakfast, lunch, dinner and two between-meals snacks, we cater to requests for special meals due to religious reasons. 

Transportation Services

Does Orange Valley provide transportation services to residents?

No, we do not provide transportation services at Orange Valley.

Resident Assessment

How do you assess the health category of a new resident?

Resident Assessment Form (RAF) is a Ministry of Health tool used to capture the patient’s functional abilities. This is to assess the nursing care level of the patient, which then determines the nursing home cost for the resident. Usually completed by a nurse or doctor, residents are assessed which of the four categories he/she belongs to.

A person will require nursing home care when he becomes very frail, sick or bedridden with no caregiver at home. He is dependent on daily nursing care and/or assistance in his daily living and may be wheelchair bound or bed bound. 

Admission assessment is necessary and important for our in-house doctor to have a direct understanding of our resident’s health and medical condition.


Can the resident seek alternative treatment such as Traditional Chinese Medicine outside the home?

As any external treatment is administered independently, the resident and family must understand and accept that it can interfere with our home’s medical, rehabilitation and nutrition plans. 

For exceptional cases which requires a visiting external doctor, it must be approved by our in-house medical doctor. 


To prepare for admission, what are the personal items we need to prepare?

We will provide you with a Things To Bring List as a convenient guide for your admission preparation. 

  • Pre-assessment to be done with Orange Valley (3 days)
  • Financial counselling (1 day)
  • Arrange for medical transport (1 day)
  • Orientation and medical assessment (2 days)