Dementia Care

Understanding Dementia

Dementia can be overwhelming, not only for the people who have it but also for their carers and families. 

At Orange Valley Nursing Homes, we understand the emotional, social and psychological challenges faced by those with dementia, as well as their loved ones who are caring for them. As a dementia care provider in Singapore, we aim to take the stress of caregiving off your shoulders by delivering the best possible care to your elderly loved ones grappling with dementia.

Our Dementia Care Team

At Orange Valley, our trained dementia care team offers a personalised programme for persons with dementia. From dementia day care services to private care arrangements, our team of professionals is trained and equipped to help your loved ones build confidence and regain independence. We employ a series of engaging activities and positive interactions, stimulating our client’s minds to enhance their quality of life.

Our Dementia Care Programmes:


For residents with dementia, we focus on HOME (Healing of Mind through Engagement Program). We tweak the Viva Fitness Programme, an award-winning programme at the Singapore Health Quality Service Awards, to focus more on cognitive activities. 

Our structured programme offers various incentive-based activities to encourage residents to participate. Examples include cooking, reminiscence therapy, music therapy etc. Participation allows residents to exchange for incentives such as food and drink items. 

For bed bound residents, a variety of activities were purposely curated to meet their curated needs (physical, cognitive, spiritual/cultural, sensory, emotional) based on their interests.


Mild – Moderate Dementia
One-to-one / Small groups (up to 2-5 pax)

  • Physical activities/games
  • Mind stimulation
  • Reminiscence therapy
  • Music and movement
  • Creative/ expressive arts
  • Life journaling
  • Self-care
  • Meal preparation
  • Work simulation based on past occupations
  • Life-long learning
  • Pet Therapy
  • Gardening

30 minutes package
40 minutes package

Moderate – Severe Dementia

  • Assisted physical activities/ stretching
  • Multi-sensory experiences/ Namaste Care
  • Relaxation
  • Music appreciation
  • Therapeutic art
  • Animal-assisted therapy
  • Robotic animals
  • Doll therapy
  • Garden walk
  • Assisted self-care

30 minutes package
40 minutes package

What to Expect From Our Dementia Care Programme

Suitable For

Why Dementia Care?

Dementia in Singapore affects about 5.2% of the population. It may cause changes in your loved one’s behaviour. You may find it difficult to cope with challenges with the behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia. In our dementia day care and residential nursing care here at Orange Valley, we have professional caregivers who specialise in managing elderly with Dementia. We aim to improve both well-being and quality of life for dementia patients.

Long Term Care

Long Term Care supports you by taking care of your loved one during the day and engaging them in a variety of activities.

Our integrated program provides structured program social activities and rehabilitation on demand. 

Residential Nursing Care

Professional, round-the-clock nursing care and residential dementia care for your loved ones.

Our dedicated professional care teams will ensure that your loved ones with dementia are engaged and supported throughout their stay at our nursing homes.

For enquiries about our dementia day care and residential nursing care in Singapore, please call us today at 6499 4699. Alternatively, you can email us at and [email protected] our staff will respond to you within 1-2 working days.