Care Philosophy

Our Residents Matter

OV’s “Caring for Life” philosophy is the commitment we undertake to make our residents feel ‘Valued’, ‘Assured’ and Comfortable’ in every aspect of care rendered towards them, while fostering a strong sense of belonging at our nursing homes.

OV takes differentiated but calculated approaches in caring for our various resident groups, which are bound together by our ‘Clinical Management Quality Framework’, consisting of Safety, Transitional, Physical, and Psycho-social aspects.

Our Holistic Approach

OV’s employs a holistic nursing care approach to deliver care through various touch points.

Empowerment And Independence

Technological Enablers

Social Trust And Community Outreach

Building Long-Term Relationships To Gain Trust Of Residents

(Especially Those With Behaviours Of Concern)

Environmental Modification

Besides nurses, our team of Allied Health Professionals also embrace the same philosophy of care. This is most evident in how they encourage residents to participate in a structured program of social recreational activities under our award-winning Viva Fitness Programme.

Our team of Medical Social Workers provide psycho-social counselling to improve our residents’ mental well-being through intervention care plans.

Finally, Orange Valley’s OLIVE (Optimal, Living, Individualised, Value, Empathy) Programme is tailored to provide holistic and supportive care towards residents requiring palliative or higher acuity of disability care.









