Singapore’s Best Employers 2023 is a large-scale and comprehensive employer study that assesses the attractiveness of employers in Singapore based on an independent employee survey. Tens of thousands of evaluations, the opinions of thousands of employees and the scores for hundreds of companies were taken into account. The 250 highest-scoring employers were recognised.
Every company with at least 200 staff is eligible for the ranking. Global data firm Statista pre-researched an initial list of more than 1,700 employers using industry lists, employer databases and desk research. To capture other eligible businesses that are not part of the initial list, the question on the name of one’s employer is an open-ended one.
Employers were grouped into one of the following 27 industries:
- Construction
- Oil & Gas Operations, Mining and Chemicals
- Utilities
- Engineering, Manufacturing
- Automotive (Automotive & Suppliers)
- Aerospace & Defence
- Drugs & Biotechnology
- Semiconductors, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Technology Hardware & Equipment
- Healthcare Equipment & Services
- Packaged Goods
- Food, Soft Beverages, Alcohol & Tobacco
- Transportation & Logistics
- Banking & Financial Services
- Insurance
- Telecommunications Services, Cable Suppliers
- IT, Internet, Software & Services
- Professional Services
- Media & Advertising
- Business Services & Supplies
- Real Estate
- Government Services
- Education
- Healthcare & Social
- Retail & Wholesale
- Clothing, Shoes, Sports Equipment
- Restaurants & Food Services
- Travel & Leisure
To facilitate evaluations about one’s own employer and other employers within one’s industry, Statista conducted the survey anonymously through online access panels. Online access panels are provided by professional survey companies and often used in consumer research to reach out to specific target groups. Participants register and are invited to take part in surveys for which they qualify according to their socio-demographic data. For the employer study, participants with diverse socio-demographic backgrounds were invited with which a representative sample of employees working part- or full-time for large companies in Singapore could be generated.
In addition to the online access panels, eligible employees were also invited via The Straits Times’ website to participate during the field phase (August to end of October 2022), and thousands were directed to complete the online survey from its platform.
The final sample consisted of over 17,000 employees.
In total, more than 200,000 recommendations were evaluated. The evaluation was based on two distinct criteria:
Direct recommendations:
Respondents were asked to rate their willingness to recommend their employer to friends and family. The responses were graded on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 means “I wouldn’t recommend my employer under any circumstances” and 10 means “I would definitely recommend my employer”.
Indirect recommendations:
Employees were also asked about their willingness to recommend other employers within their industry. Respondents were shown an industry list of pre-researched employers and asked to give an opinion for those that stood out either positively or negatively (Response options: “would recommend”, “would not recommend”, “no opinion”)
Employers received a calculated score based on the direct and indirect recommendations, with a greater weight given to direct recommendations. If available, their score from the previous year was also included with a small weighting. Finally, they were ranked by their total score.
Scores can theoretically reach a maximum of 10 and a minimum of 0. Companies’ scores within the ranking lie between 9.13 and 6.97. The scores of the 250 awarded companies are above average and constitute the best 12 per cent of eligible companies in the initial list.
For the purpose of further analysis and editorial input, respondents were asked an additional 43 questions. They could rate their employer on various aspects of their job (from salary and work-life balance to potential for development), their work environment (colleagues and superiors, and equipment) as well as the reputation of their employer (image and growth). The rate of agreement/disagreement regarding the statements was measured on a five-point Likert scale.
If you are passionate about the healthcare sector, we invite you to join Singapore’s top-ranked employer in the Healthcare & Social industry for a rewarding career. Please contact us at [email protected] or visit to view job opportunities.
Source: Singapore’s Best Employers 2023